Important Notice: SOLPAY will no longer be operational after 1st December 2023. Please prepare for the transition to alternative solutions.

No more Payroll
& Invoicing stress.

Find out how Solpay can help you manage your Payroll & Invoicing tasks on the go so you can concentrate on what matters most. Your Business!

Immediate access. No credit card required.

How solpay fits your business

Easy to Use in Solpay

Easy to Use

With even basic computer skills you will be able to easily complete payroll an invoicing tasks check out our support page for informative videos.

Cloud base Technology in Solpay

Cloud base Technology

Gives you the freedom to complete your payroll tasks securely and confidentially from home, interstate, overseas or wherever you may be.

Comprehensive Reporting in Solpay

Comprehensive Reporting

Solpay is able to generate a large range of easily produced, comprehensive reports which ensure that your business compiles with all current statutory obligations.

No contracts in Solpay

No Contracts

SolPay accounting software comes with a no obligation and no lock in contract arrangement. You can cancel/upgrade anytime as required

Australian Data center in Solpay

Australian Data center

Solpay uses and Australian Data Center which means that all data has maximum protection and confidentiality. as well as quick access and less downtime.

Australian Support Team in Solpay

Australian Support Team

Our support centre is based in Australia and we ensure that our clients receive the best service possible.

Solpay Partners & Clients

and many more..